79 (number)

Cardinal seventy-nine
Ordinal 79th
Numeral system 79
Prime 22nd
Divisors 1, 79
Roman numeral LXXIX
Binary 10011112
Octal 1178
Duodecimal 6712
Hexadecimal 4F16

Seventy-nine is the natural number following 78 and preceding 80.

79 may represent:


In mathematics

In science

The atomic number of the chemical element gold (Au) is 79.

In astronomy

In other fields

  1. ^ H. Cohen, A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory, GTM 138, Springer Verlag (1993), Appendix B2, p.507. The table lists fields by discriminant, which is 4p for Q[√p] when p is congruent to 3 modulo 4, as is the case for 79, so the entry appears at discriminant 316.